Virual Voyage thru the human intestin

By: Daniel González and Emmanuel Rojón

The objective of this work wasto introduce a new medicine for curing intestin parasites, developed by the "Columbia" Laboratories, called "Daxón".

The product will be promoted the first time on a series of medical and pharmaceutic expositions. The presentation was planned so the visitor at the "Daxó" stand (normally a person from the medical community) will be introduced virtually to the intestins and travel within checking the eficiency of the "Daxón" against the parasites encountered, and what happend with othermedicines.

To do that and create a better way of inmmersion it uses the "I-glasses" for the stereoscopic vision, and gives realistic depth and volume.

The design of the graphic interface was a space or submersible ship cabin, in this case a sub-intestinal ship, that help in three ways, the first one it was more higenic, physcologically speaking, the user travels in a ship and no swiming directly in it; second, the system wasn't only a ride, when a parasite apears the vehicle stops then is has the option to atack it, shooting "Daxón" or "other" medicine, so this means it needed a control panel, and the last one, the interactivite required for the system requiered the posibilities of ...

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