D.I. Gonzalo León gleon@spin.com.mx

Ing. Eduardo Llaguno Velasco ellaguno@softtek.com

Ing. Juan Carlos Belaer juancarlos@mexico.sgi.com

Ing. Luis Daniel Soto Maldonado luisdans@microsoft.com

MC Arnulfo Zepeda zepeda@siggraph.org

The summary of this meeting is currently being edited. Wait for it at most on the 28th of february!
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), the emerging standard to create virtual reality aplications distributed over the Internet, will be presented!. We will see from an introduction to VRML, viewers and converters for VRML, authoring tools for VRML, ActiveVRML(a proposal by Microsoft for VRML 2.0), and the expected advances for VRML in 1996 (VRML 2.0, behaviors, simulations).

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