Giancarlo Bomardieri & Jose Fidel Kuri

Tel. 011+(525)+2724678

The company Computer Graphics, which is dedicated to the prod uction of computer graphics for audiovisual communications and broadcast network s carried out a presentation of the Commodore Amiga during the november monthly meeting of the professional group Siggraph Mexico City.

Commodore was one of the first companies to sell personal computers, and as explained by the members of CG, they started to work in Mexico with the Commodore models because of their low price and recognized quality in the handling of graphics. Commodore had for sale many personal computer models, of which the most advanced was the Amiga. In this meeting they presented their Amiga 4000, which runs on a Motorola 68040 at 40Mhz, and is complemented by various video cards and emulators, in a specific configuration for the production of 3D modelling, high quality image generation, special effects and video edition.

It is well known that the great capacity for multimedia on the Amiga is based mainly in the software and hardware available for this platform. The demonstration started with the video presentation of the Videotoaster 4000, a piece of hardware and ssoftware that transforms the Amiga in an video edition and special effects system.

The presentation continued with examples from the program, Opalpaint which is a paintbox program for the manipulation of images with dissolve, animation and transparency effects. Opalpaint is an application for the Amiga video card manufactured by Opalvision.

Other software piece shown was Lightwave 3D v 3.5 , geared toward 3D animation. It includes 3D modeling, textures, animation of 3d models and special effects such as "flares", lights which simulate the splitting of light through a camera lens.

To end the presentation, the emulator for Mac and IBM-PC were presented, which require the Emplant card. This piece of hardware lets anyone to use any sofware compatible for Mac Apples, or for IBM-PCs in the Amiga, whose potential is only limited by the system resources. With this, it was shown that the Amiga is not only strong in its own applications, but also can take advantage of the systems developed for other platforms.

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