+ The video of the Electronic Theatre of Siggraph 94 was exhibited. An inspiring showcase of the most important works developed last year.

+ A great audience! And it is expected that the number of active people will grow in our future meetings. Presentations of animation works were presented by people who assisted to the first meeting. One of the expectatives (being fulfilled at this moment) of the Professional Group Siggraph Mexico City is to put in touch people of diverse environments and backgrounds, and the audience to this meeting included people from software development, multimedia development, architecture, advertising, design and academy.

+ In order to program next meetings we are opening an IDEA MAILBOX. All interested people should propose some activity, exposition or demonstration which they can carry out. This ideas will be taken into account in order to program the meetings in the most productive and interesting way for all.

+ The decision to create this newsletter was made, and in it will appear the summaries of the meetings, the programs of future meetings and news related to the creation of the Professional Group SIGGRAPH Mexico.

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