Visual 97 report

The event was done in the new auditorium of the School of Science of the National University of Mexico, in the second week of march.

It was a very complicated week because there were other events at the same week.

The people in the organization of the event invited members of SIGGRAPH in the United States , they agree and told us they have a booth to promote SIGGRAPH and the Mexico City Local Chapter, we gladly accept and start the preparation for the event.

The people the came from SIGGRAPH was Steve Cunningham, Judith Brown, Norman Badler , Mary Whitton.

People that help us from the local chapter was Eduardo Llaguno (president), Gonzálo León (newsletters), Daniel González, Emmanuel Rojón, Cristina Salgado, Juan López (secretary).

At the stand we have all the necesary information about been a member of SIGGRAPH, about the SIGGRAPH event in AUGUST in L.A., and how to become a member of the local chapter.

The next pictures show some of the people the helped at the booth, we thank them all for there participation.

Steve Cunningham helping a curious man.

Judith Brown waiting for the people to aproach.

Gonzálo León he is our newsletter man.

Emmanuel Rojón ready at the booth.

Presenting Ex-Machina, who also asisted to the event.

Ready for helping people with information.

At the closing ceremony.

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