Future eventsCalendar and references to future events in Computer Graphics

If you happen to know of any event of interest not listed here, please send an email to mexico_city_chapter (at) siggraph.org

Local in Mexico

Annual SIGGRAPH Conference

July 19 - 24 1998, Orlando Fl.
SIGGRAPH '98, Orlando Fl..
Shaping the Future of Computer Graphics and Interactive Technologies


February 11 - 17, 1996
Winter School of Computer Graphics '96
The Fourth International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '96
University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic.
For more information, send email to: wscg96 (at) kiv.zcu.cz.

February 13-15 '96 , Stuttgart Germany

February 19-20th, 1996
3rd Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments: Coexistence, Communication & Collaboration, Monte Carlo, Monaco.

February 20 - 22, 1996
Digital Media World Australia
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour
Sydney, NSW, Australia.
For more information, send email to robert (at) digmedia.demon.co.uk .

February 21-23, 1996 , Monte Carlo, Monaco
Imagina '96
Exhibition and Prix Pixel-INA competition

February 27-29, 1996
New Media Expo '96, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California.

April 13 - 18, 1996
CHI '96: Conference on Human Factors In Computing Systems, Vancouver, BC Canada.

April 15 - 18, Las Vegas NV
National Association of Broadcasters
Revolutionizing the Electronic Media

April 14 - 15, 1996
CHI'96 Workshop on Psychological Issues of Virtual Environment Interfaces.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

April 16 - 18, 1996
3D Graphics and Multimedia on the Internet, WWW and Networks
Location TBA in the United Kingdom.
For more information, send email to R.A.Earnshaw (at) bradford.ac.uk

April 17-19 , 1996
CSG 96 Set-theoretic Solid Modelling: Techniques and Applications - Winchester UK

April 18, 1996
GViz '96 -- The Graphics and Visualization Conference
Richland, Washington.

April 28 - May 2, San Jose CA
Internet World
Internet and World Wide Web Exhibition & Conference

April 23 - 25, 1996
7th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing.
Prague, Czech Republic.

May 1 - 3, 1996
DIGITAL MEDIA WORLD, Sydney Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Syndey, Australia.

May 6 - 10, 1996
Fifth International World Wide Web Conference, Paris, France.

May 21-24, 1996 , Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Graphics Interface '96
Research conferences that present the latest results in artificial intelligence, computer graphics and computer vision

Mayo 22 -25, Toronto, Canada
Metropolitan Toronto Convention Center

May 27 - 28, 1996
Workshop on Applied Computational Geometry
Philadelphia, PA. Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and ACM SIGACT.
For more information, contact: Dinesh Manocha, Computer Science Department, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC 27599-3175, tel: +1-919-962-1749, email: manocha (at) cs.unc.edu

June 3 - 6, Chicago IL
The Latest Hardware, Software and Communications Solutions

June 03 - 05, 1996
Computer Animation'96
Computer Graphics - Computer Animation - Virtual Reality - Synthetic Actors - Autonomous Actors - Behavioural Animation
Geneva - Switzerland
For more informations, e-mail thalmann (at) cui.unige.ch or ca96 (at) cui.unige.ch

June 03 - 07, 1996
DAC '96: 33rd Design Automation Conference
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV
For more information, contact MP Associates, Inc., 5305 Spine Rd, Suite A, Boulder CO, 80301 USA (303) 530-4333 or (303) 530-4334 (fax).

June 04 - 07, 1996
12th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
Comensius University, Brataslava, Slovakia.
For more information, contact: sccg (at) fmph.uniba.sk.

June 05 - 07, 1996
3rd Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems
Namur, Belgium.

July 01 - 05, 1996
GraphiCon '96
6th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Visualization in Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia.
For more information, e-mail g96 (at) beam.ifmo.ru or g96 (at) graph.ifmo.ru.

August 4 - 9, 1996
SIGGRAPH '96, New Orleans, LA.
Shaping the Future of Computer Graphics and Interactive Technologies

August 26 - 30, 1996
Graphics - Virtual Reality - Graphics Highways
Futuroscope - Poitiers, France.
For more information, e-mail eg96 (at) inria.fr.

October 16-19, 1996
WebNet `96: World Conference of The Web Society, San Francisco, CA USA.

October 27 - 28, 1996
1996 Symposium on Volume Visualization
San Francisco, California.
For more information, contact Sam Uselton at: uselton (at) nas.nasa.gov.

November 06 - 08, 1996
UIST '96
Ninth Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington.
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and ACM SIGCHI in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT.

November 17 - 27, Pittsburgh PA
Supercomputing 96
High Performing Computing and Communications

Riccione, Italy
Bitmovie 1996
Showcase for current examples of the use of computer graphics and computer animation in a broad spectrum of fields, including scientific and technical research, art and entertainment
New cool VRML category has been added

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