
Video Exposition of the work done by the people in the Mexico City Chapter, will take place on the March 7, 2000 meeting. it has the next bases:


1.- Can participate individuals or companies, with a maximum of 3 entries each participant.

2.- For the first time this show will have to categories: Video and Stills. For each categories will be separated works from commercial and non commercial or amateurs.

3.- Is necesary that the works have to be done with the use of a computer in any part of the process but in a significant way.

4.- The autor(s) of the work(s) will hold all the rights, giving only the right to show the piece suring the event.

5.- All the works delivered have to be NEW that means not shown in other event of Animex 96, Animex 97, Animex 98, Animex 99.

6.- All the material will be returned to the authors.

7.- The material has to be acompanied with a sinopsis with the data of the author, a description of the work, date of the work, technical details, etc.

8.- The participants that don't have the resources to generate a video or a still can ask to the members of the comitee special support. This support is time to use computing equipment and editing facilities at the workplaces of the members of the chapter. This support has the objective to make more abundant and with more quallity works, but who need support need to remember that this kind of support is a good will with no commitment.


1.- Can be delivered in the next formats: BetaCAM, Super VHS, VHS, 3/4 or Umatic, Video 8 or Hi 8.

2.- The maximum lenght will be 3 minutes plus 30 seconds credits.

3.- The Still images will be recived in files only and it can be in any kind of file format, so we recommend to use popular formats like (TIFF, JPEG, EPS). The reception comitee decide on especial cases.


1.- The last date for delivery the work including the sinposis is tuesday Febuary 22, 2000 at 13:00 hrs.

2.- To use the special edition support mentioned on point 8 of this bases, the date is January 28, 2000.


Unidad de Capacitación Interactiva
Nuevo León #78
Col. Hipódromo Condesa
Tel. 5286-5020 Fax 5286-1436
Con Eduardo Llaguno Velasco ó Alberto Estrada Sánchez

Laboratorio de Multimedia
Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo Académico (DGSCA)
Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM
Tel. 5622-8566
Con Emmanuel Rojón (rojon@servidor.unam .mx)

The participants will receive a diploma of participation and credits on the video presented on April's meeting.

The participant that want to send the work to the Electronic Theathere in SIGGRAPH 2000 will receive all the information from the members of the Chapter before febuary 9, 2000.

All rights reserved of the SIGGRAPH Mexico City Chapter 1999.